Puppy Head Start Program:
Our puppy head start program takes puppies from 2-6 months old. We will focus on all the things your puppy needs to have a good foundation for beginning their training. First and foremost we want to bring out as much desire in your puppy as possible. We want your pup to want to retrieve more than anything in the world. We will introduce your puppy to wings, water, decoys, boats and four-wheelers. We will make sure your pup is very well socialized and just an over-all good citizen. This program is great for people who don’t have much time to spend socializing and bringing out that retrieving desire in their pup.
Basic Obedience:
Basic Obedience includes heel, sit, here, down, and kennel. We will teach your dog all five of these commands on and off lead. This is meant for those who do not want a hunting dog, but are interested in having a well behaved dog.
Basic Gun Dog Program:
Our basic Gun Dog program is a four to six month program that focuses on you having a hunting partner you can be proud of. The end result should be a dog that can mark birds down and deliver those birds to hand. Your dog should be a good hunting dog that is a pleasure to hunt with at the conclusion of this program.

•Phase One: The first phase we will focus on a good foundation of obedience and retrieve desire. Obedience is the foundation of everything we do and a dog that does not like to retrieve is hard to train. Once we have this down pat we will move on.

•Phase Two: Phase two starts off with Force Fetch. This is a process where we teach your dog to hold, drop, and fetch birds on command. Upon completion of this process your dog should be able to walk at heel while holding the bird until instructed to drop the bird. On average this process takes about one month, but every dog progresses differently.

•Phase Three: In phase three will start off with introducing the dog to the e-coller. We will teach your dog how to learn and respond to the e-collar. Once that is finished, we will also be taking your dog out to the field. While in the field, your dog will see a lot of marks on land, water, and in different terrains and types of cover. We will make sure your dog understands that he is to be steady until sent and must deliver the bird to hand.

•Phase Four: Phase four introduces our dog to everything hunting. We introduce him to blinds, boats, decoys, calls, shotguns, and four-wheelers. We want to make sure he is comfortable with everything hunting. We try and make sure that your dog is as prepared as possible for that first hunting trip.
Handling and Hunt Test Training:
This level of training is for the more advanced dog that has already completed Basics. In this level we will introduce your dog to the more advanced aspects of handling and multiple marks.

•Multiple Marks: In this section of training we will teach your retriever to use its natural marking ability and memory to pick up double and triple sets of marks.

•Blind Retrieves: This is the most in-depth aspect of advances training. This is where we teach your dog to pick up those birds he did not see fall. We will use such drills as: Force to Pile, Three-Handed Cast, Single and Double T, Wagon Wheel Drills, and Swim-By. Upon the completion of this phase of training your dog will go when sent, stop on the whistle, and obey hand signals to cast them to the bird.

•Hunt Test Training: If you would like to compete your dog in Hunt Test, this level of training will help your dog have all the tools in his belt to make sure he is successful. This includes: Diversion, Walk-ups, Honoring, and if you would like Upland Training.
Heading out of town? Going on Vacation? We will board your dog for you if you would like. This includes food, shelter, and supervised play session in a fenced-in area.